Today we begin a 4 week series on sanctification. This is a series from a few years ago, hosted by Omaha Bible Church. Kris Lundgaard has written a couple of very helpful books on the Christian life, which may be described as a modern translation of the old Puritan author John Owen. While Owen is a very challenging read on multiple levels, partially due to the density of his prose, Lundgaard removes the language hurdle and helps us join in the labors of Owen.
His book, The Enemy Within, is one of my favorites. I have used this as a framework for adult Bible fellowship classes on Sunday morning in my home church. You will benefit by listening to this series, and even moreso by getting and reading the book. Lundgaard follows in the footsteps of Owen. He is biblical and diagnoses issues of the human heart.
Please click here to listen to The Enemy Within – part 1.
I’ll be posting the rest of the series every Sunday.