The podcast continues. In this chapter, Pastor Bonar addresses the topic: What the Resurrection of the Substitute has Done
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But the tomb of the Son of God is the place of light, not of darkness; of hope, not of despair; of life, not of death. They come to look on the dead, they find the living. The seekers of the crucified Jesus find the risen Son of God. The garments of death are all that the tomb contains; the linen clothes, still stained with blood, and the carefully-folded napkin,-folded by angels’ hands, if not by His own. They had brought their myrrh and aloes and spices to keep corruption from entering; forgetful that it is the Incorruptible whose body they are thus needlessly though lovingly embalming, and ignorant of the meaning of the ancient promise, “Thou wilt not suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption.”
Horatius Bonar, The Everlasting Righteousness