How to Understand the Bible – Barcellos

The Bible is a very large book. It is inspired by God as the divine author, who used several different human authors across a lengthy span of time to craft its content. Historical facts, cultural considerations, and several other factors all raise potential difficulties to understanding the text correctly. This is where the discipline of hermeneutics comes into play. Simply stated, hermeneutics are the methodologies and practices we use to understand the message of the Bible.

Pastor Richard Barcellos is a gifted teacher. He spoke on principles of interpretation at the following link. This presentation could prove to be quite useful to you. There may be areas of this recording which are more challenging to understand, but I offer my encouragement for you to invest the time in listening to Pastor Barcellos’ presentation. There is much to learn, and he is a wise teacher.

Theology Hour – Principles of Interpretation with Richard Barcellos

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