Helpful Things to Stick In Your Eyes and Ears – Christmas Edition 2024

Divine Incomprehensibility.

What is that? I don’t understand. Exactly. Let’s spend a few minutes with Ronni Kurtz exploring the concept of Divine Incomprehensibility on the London Lyceum podcast.

You can listen to it here.

Fred Sanders Talkabout

Christian Heritage London interviewed Trinitarian theologian Fred Sanders. The conversation is wide-ranging: Torrey Honors at Biola, the Great Books pedagogy, Fred’s early theological development, current helpful Trinitarian authors, historical authors, how to draw help from a wide-ranging pool of authors, the impact that John Wesley has on Fred’s theology.

You can listen to the interview here.

Ancient Wisdom Reviewed

Brandon D. Smith writes an insightful review of Ancient Wisdom for the Care of Souls. This is of particular interest to Bible teachers and young men thinking of entering the pastorate.

You can read his review here.

HT: Keith Plummer

New Year’s Resolutions and New Testament Greek for the Theologically Curious

Southern Seminary Online has collected a 24 video series to help you learn New Testament Greek. It is taught by Benjamin Merkle and Robert L. Plummer. This series is based on their textbook released in 2020. It is a great way to explore language learning for biblical studies.

For the lay learners in the community who will not be attending classes in person and formally, I recommend auditing Dr. Plummer’s class online when that is available (and if you can afford it), but you must be committed to doing the work, which is significant. Highlighting the workload for auditing a class might seem like a funny thing to say. However, you will be making a monetary commitment and should seek to gain the most you can from the opportunity. As an auditor, you do not take tests, and you must keep quiet in the scheduled class calls. For those of us who have missed our seminary opportunity and have established professional lives in “the real world”, this may give you an opportunity to learn at the virtual feet of a world-class professor.

You can watch the series here.

For those who need another Bible dictionary… this one is a goodie.

Reformed Forum interviewed Drs. Gladd and Beale about the Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament. It is a truly helpful work, co-edited by the good Drs noted above, as well as by D. A. Carson and Andy Naselli.

You can listen to the interview here.

Evangelism Church Matters from IX Marks

What is evangelism and where does it fit in your church’s theology, mission, and ethos? The Church Matters journal is written for pastors and church leaders. There are numerous contributors, focusing on different aspects of doctrinal understanding and practical ministry in the local church. Take up and read, brother.

You can read the journal here.

Soon to come…

In the coming months you will see more podcast interviews from Rob Bowman and Ed Komoszewski on their recently published The Incarnate Christ and His Critics. I’ll keep my eyes peeled for them and will call them out when they become available.