Helpful Things to Stick in Your Ears – January 2025 Edition

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New Christian? Pastor? Bible student? A little something for everyone in this month’s edition of Helpful Things.

Divine Sonship and Priesthood: Exploring Psalm 2:7 and 2 Samuel 7:14 in Hebrews 1 – D. A. Carson.

Hebrews is an amazing book in the New Testament. The Old Testament is deeply embedded in every part of Hebrews. For me personally, the description of Jesus Christ in chapter 1 of Hebrews is a critical piece of the puzzle concerning who the Christ is. In the following lecture, Don Carson explores portions of Hebrews 1 and how its use of Psalm 2 and 2 Samuel 7 point to the nature and office of Christ.

You can listen to the lecture here.

Helps for New Christians: Basic Bible Study Themes in Five Parts – Jerram Barrs

If you are a new Christian you know the Bible is important to understanding the faith but you might feel hesitant or even somewhat discouraged. The Bible is a big book. It can be intimidating to new Christians to try to jump in the deep end of the discipleship pool without any floaties to help you keep your head above water. Many of us… in fact nearly all of us at the starting line of our Christian faith were unprepared to study the Bible in a serious manner. This is especially true for adult converts. As an adult, you have been away from organized study of material for quite some time. All is not lost. Let’s work on some basic Bible study skills to help you get started.

In the following five links, Professor Jerram Barrs will help acquaint you with themes that will aid your Bible study.

The Lord of the Church – a sermon by Mike Reeves

If you are a pastor who is struggling and weary, please take the time to listen to the following message from Mike Reeves.

You can listen to the sermon here.

Patrick Schreiner on The Transfiguration of Christ: An Address and an Interview

The transfiguration of Christ…. an amazing miracle and an amazing opportunity to consider the glories of our Redeemer. Pat has spent considerable time studying, thinking, praying, and writing about this pivotal scene. You can benefit from him labors by listening to this address. As well, you could get his book – The Transfiguration of Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Reading. Perhaps his address here will whet your appetite to take up and read.

Patrick was interviewed about his book on the transfiguration. Carl Trueman is the interviewer. Listen in and find out why the Transfiguration is a key component to the earthly ministry of Jesus.

You can listen to the interview here.

Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament – Duncan and Gladd

If you are unfamiliar with this work, here is a conversation between Ligon Duncan and Benjamin Gladd which will help you understand where this dictionary could fit in your research library.

You can watch the forum here.

Why do our Bibles contain four Gospels?

Joshua Jipp is Director of the Henry Center for Theological Understanding and Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity Seminary (TEDS). The Henry Center has been part of TEDS since 2006.

“If it were not the Son suffering on the cross, then it is not God who came down to save us from our sin and death, but a creature. If it were not the Son suffering on the cross, then the cross has nothing to tell us about God’s character.” – Daniel Hames

How Long Does it Take to Read Entire Books of the Bible in One Sitting?

HT: Andrew King