December 25, 2024December 25, 2024HopescrollingBeale, Christian Heritage London, Evangelism, Gladd, IX Marks, Komoszewski, Kurtz, London Lyceum, Merkle, Plummer, Reformed Forum, Sanders, Smith, Southern Seminary, TGC Helpful Things to Stick In Your Eyes and Ears – Christmas Edition 2024 Put down the doomscroll and pick up a hopescroll.
November 27, 2024November 27, 2024HopescrollingComer, Dolezal, Duby, Etherington, Graham, New Atheism, Vanhoozer Helpful Things to Stick in Your Eyes and Ears – December 2024 Put down the doomscroll and pick up a hopescroll.
September 14, 2024September 14, 2024HopescrollingRTS, TEDS, TGC Helpful Things to Stick in Your Eyes and Ears – September 2024 Edition Thought-provoking and heart-probing posts.
February 10, 2024February 10, 2024HopescrollingJames, Ligonier, Mere Orthodoxy, Nichols, Parsons, Restoration Church, Schultz, Smith, Tweeddale Hopescrolling: The Trinity, Ligonier’s “We Believe” Winter Conference, Reviewing Digital Liturgies Brandon D. Smith, speaking at Restoration Church in Southlake, TX, teaches on the impact the Trinity has on the Gospel, drawing from […]
January 27, 2024January 27, 2024Hopescrolling9Marks, Dolezal, Hamilton, Kenwood Baptist Church, Master, McGraw, Raymond Hopescrolling – 1/27/2024 These Christian resources are hope-filled and far better for your soul than any doomscrolling news feed.
January 24, 2024January 24, 2024Hopescrollingdefragmenting, Hurd, Plummer, Robertson, Sanders, White Horse Inn Hopescrolling – 1/24/2024 How about a dose of hope for today?
January 20, 2024January 20, 2024HopescrollingLanier, Swain Helpful Things to Stick in Your Eyes – 1/20/2024 This time around, a few callouts to resources by Greg Lanier.
January 19, 2024January 19, 2024HopescrollingChase, Dolezal, Meador, O'Brien, Sanders Hopescrolling – 1/19/2024 God has gifted me with hope in Christ. I want to share that hope with you. May you find the following links/pods to be a blessing of hope for your soul.
January 18, 2024January 18, 2024HopescrollingGateway Seminary, Morales, Oak Hill College, Rathel, Redd, Robson, RTS Washington, Wilhite Hopescrolling – 1/18/2024 Hopescrolling is the opposite of doomscrolling. The Lord has given us hope in so many ways, and there are great resources available to fill our minds and hearts with hope in Christ.
January 5, 2024January 5, 2024HopescrollingBaucham, Norman, Solas, Walker, Wrath and Grace, Zachariades Hopescrolling – 1/5/2024 Hopescrolling for your encouragement and strengthening.