John MacArthur’s study in the lives and personalities of the twelve disciples is a fascinating book. I had a wonderful opportunity several summers ago to read this while sitting outdoors. It was a beautiful day. There was a light breeze. The temperature was perfect. I was primed for a heart-warming look at the Savior and his friends. I could not have found a better book for a better day. I still smile when I remember what a great time it was. In a very ordinary context, a ministry of grace was poured out that day.
I have used the book as a framework for an adult Bible study in our church on Sunday mornings. Several people in the study have commented how it brings the biblical characters to life right before their very eyes. Unlike many of MacArthur’s doctrinal works, this one is written in a warm, free-flowing style that is much more conversational and informal in tone. It is a pleasure to read. In fact, if you get as engrossed in it as I did, you’ll finish it the same day you start reading it. It’s that good.
I get the impression while reading it that the cup of MacArthur’s pastoral compassion for everyday Christians was spilling over as he wrote. You can smell the sea of Galilee and hear the fishermen working as they mend their nets. Into this common scene walks the Lord of the universe in order to call them to follow him. They aren’t desirable above their brothers. Far from it. They are as ordinary as can be. If it’s possible to be extraordinarily ordinary, Jesus found disciples who were precisely that.
MacArthur brings out many facets of the character of these men, both before their conversion and as they walk with Jesus. While I can’t guarantee you’ll have great weather cooperating with your reading schedule, I highly recommend this book to disciples at all stages in their Christian life.
I know many of you teach Bible studies and are always on the lookout for good material. This one is a keeper. It is solidly Biblical, easily adaptable, faith-building and heart-warming. It will engage your fellow disciples as they see Jesus using people just like them to do great things for Him.