I will be posting sections of the helpful little work Follow The Lamb by Horatius Bonar in the coming weeks. I hesitate to do so because everyone is so very busy these days, including myself. But how often do we forego spiritual strengthening in favor of distraction? Pause for a few minutes and consider what this dear pastor has to say. Just a few minutes with much to be gained. Don’t waste the opportunity.
Although Ware presents several helpful points which will make a difference in my life, the deep impact of his position on prayer/worship gives me great concern. [Historical addendum: Ware’s position on Eternal Functional Subordination is profoundly more problematic]
Mark pushes the theological launch button at the very beginning of his writing by choosing to dive directly in the deep end of Christian theology… into pure Christology. It is an intriguing choice.
If sin is such a surface thing, a trifle, as men deem it, what is the significance of this long sad story? Do earth’s ten thousand graveyards, where human love lies buried, tell no darker tale? Do the millions upon millions of broken hearts and heavy eyes say that sin is but a trifle? Does the moaning of the hospital or the carnage of the battlefield, the blood-stained sword, and the death-dealing artillery, proclaim that sin is a mere casualty, and the human heart the seat of goodness after all?
Can we, together, grasp an anchor that will hold, enter an ark that will not sink, cling to a cross that will not fail, live for a Savior who will not forget; and in doing so help people learn to live transparently while intentionally giving themselves to one another in friendship and love instead of in selfies and likes?