Author: Dave Sherrill
Helps for New Christians: Bible Reading – Part 1
There are many things for the new Christian to learn. There is familiarity with a broad range of Bible stories. There is special vocabulary to learn. It’s not an insult to your intelligence to recognize that it takes time to pick up on all of these things. It is not simply or only a matter of having a body of knowledge. The life of a Christian is described frequently as a walk. It takes time and more time to grow to maturity, just as it does for a child to grow to adulthood. It is nothing to be ashamed of or to be defeated by.
The Intentional Culture-forming Christian – Martin
There is no place for passivity in our Christian life. We are called to actively serve, love, and witness to others. But how, exactly, do we form the habits that allow us to live out our faith each day? I’d like to suggest three practices that can help us as we seek to be intentional ambassadors and witnesses for Christ. First, we must learn to see opportunities. Second, we must learn to seize opportunities. Third, we must learn to make each moment count.
Jesus is Better: Part 1 – Abendroth
Jesus is Better. Pastor Pat Abendroth delivers a 5-sermon series following on the footsteps of extended time spent in the Gospel of John and John 1.
The Hands, Feet, and Fish of the Gospel
Following rumors and reports of seeing Jesus after his death, Jesus abruptly appears in the room with the disciples. They are startled, frightened, caught out-of-place, unsettled.
From Creation to Consummation: The Bible’s Big Story – Hamilton
What is Biblical Theology? It searches out the grand themes which run throughout the Bible, overarching everything that happens. Dr. Jim Hamilton […]
Thoughts on Scripture and the Style of Catechisms
From the archives: 2009ish Google Books. It is his republication of ancient Scottish catechisms. He said something in the preface that caught […]
Leon Morris on the Person of Christ
I have been helped immensely by the writings of the late Leon Morris. Here is a 1960 article he wrote about Jesus. […]