Dear Friends,

Hello and welcome! My name is Dave Sherrill. I am an Evangelical Christian. I seek to serve the Lord with three goals in mind:
- to clearly proclaim the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only true and real hope for a world full of people lost in sin and alienated from God; calling them to repent and believe in Jesus for forgiveness and eternal life
- to challenge unbelief in all forms using God’s Word, the Bible; taking every thought captive to obey Christ
- to encourage Christians to embrace a biblical worldview in all its richness; the Christian life encompassing the full breadth of our individual lives, which are to be lived for the glory of God in Christ
As of 2017, I write and curate posts here on my personal blog, and here for a broader sampling of Christian apologetics. I also have a podcast, called Raising the Dead.
The genesis of these blogs (or perhaps we should say “the blame”) comes from evangelical blogger Tim Challies. I have read Tim’s blog for years. In fact, it’s my one daily blog reading stop. Every. Single. Day. Tim has consistently encouraged faithful, plodding blogging. For example, see this.
His thoughts there resonate with me very deeply. I have had an internet ministry presence from the early 90s, beginning with a small counter-cult apologetics page on AOL (yes, the “you’ve got mail” AOL). The page evolved over the years to a very focused apologetics website, then a broader blog incorporating several theology resources. Personally, that same time involved a lot of growth, challenges, and numerous ministry opportunities in my local church. Now I find myself with much broader interests and a stronger desire to help my friends in their walk of faith.
I now engage in the (hopefully) long slog into the future, sharing what I can for your entrance into and continued growth in the Christian faith. I’ll be posting regularly, as long as the Lord grants me strength and opportunity to continue. The posts will usually be brief, pointing you to helpful resources for use in your everyday life as you seek to know, love, and serve our Triune God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
I’m looking forward to getting to know you and would love to hear from you. You can reach me quite easily through the Contact Me page.
In Him,